Matt Winn

Au.D., Ph.D.

University of



Listen Lab conference presentations


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CIAP (Confernece on Implantable Auditory Prostheses) 2017

Severe deficits in perception of anticipatory coarticulation in cochlear implant listeners [Steven Gianakas, Matthew Winn] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Revealing phonetic uncertainty in cochlear implant listeners [Steven Gianakas, Matthew Winn] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Revealing phonetic uncertainty in cochlear implant listeners [Ashley Moore, Matthew Winn] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Aliasing of spectral ripples through CI processors: a challenge to the interpretation of correlation with speech recognition scores [Elle O'Brien, Matthew Winn] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD


Acoustical Society of America Fall 2016

Acoustic cues underlying the adjustment to talker sex in perception of fricative consonants [Ashley Moore, Matthew Winn] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Exploiting the Ganong effect to probe for phonetic uncertainty resulting from hearing loss [Steven Gianakas, Matthew Winn] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD



Acoustical Society of America Spring 2016

Using sociolinguistic phonetic perception to fine tune cochlear imlant simulations [Matthew Winn] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD


Rapid reduction of listening effort resulting from predictive speech processing, and delays associated with cochlear implantation [Matthew Winn] CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD



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