Teaching resources and other videos
The videos will be listed here with some better formatting soon. For now, you can check them all out on the youtube link below! |
Series on speech acoustics
1 - Intro (an introduction to why we might be interested in studying speech acoustics)

2 - Timing categories in speech acoustics

3 - What can we see on waveforms, spectrograms and spectra?

4 - The source-filter model of speech acoustics

5 - vowel formants

6 - consonant acoustics

7 - voice onset time

Phonetic features in English

The auditory hierarchy and interesting problems in speech perception

What should Ant-Man's voice sound like when he changes size?

basic signals and systems for audio (part 1)

basic signals and systems for audio (part 2)

Physics of sound (part 1)

Sine waves


Hearing science 1 - overview

Hearing science 2 - inner ear (basilar membrane, outer hair cells)

Hearing science 3 - Binaural hearing

Sound Intensity and Loudness

Resonance in a water pitcher

use R to create a sound with custom spectrogram image

Draw a colored Praat spectrogram with R